Imagine the possibilities that can be created when you take something – an item, a concept, the written word – and transform it into something entirely different. Whether your interests live in or outside the world of design, you’ll learn how to identify unique solutions to your creative challenges. With tools and materials you already have available to you, you’ll be working through a series of exercises – from drawing to combining materials and forms – to push the boundaries of the way you make. We guarantee that you’ll surprise yourself!
Mark-Making Tool (pencil, pen, paint brush, or Adobe Illustrator)
Unlined Paper of at least 8.5” x 11” (letter)
Construction Paper (or the like, something that with some stiffness)
Paint (acrylic, watercolor, etc.)
Scissors or Xacto knife
Shoe box (any box that can be easily cut)
Household items (string, aluminum, foil, sponges, plastic cups, paper plates/bowls)